
Tom Weaver has been in the full-time Christian ministry for more than 45 years. He accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord at the age of 17 at the Harper Road Christian Church in Corinth, MS and began preaching one month later. At the age of 18 he began preaching full time in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas.

Tom and his wife Beth have been married 47 years. They have three children and eight grandchildren. Tom and Beth held ministries in Arkansas, Colorado, Oklahoma, and Tennessee before going into revival minisitry full-time. Beth has served as Church Secretary in three different ministries and as Children's Ministry Director in two. Tom has been a leader in the establishment of four new churches in three States and has preached more than 540 revival meetings in 30 States and 4 Canadian Provinces.  Tom holds up to twenty revivals per year sponsored by Rock Solid Ministries.

Tom has served as Director & Evangelist with Rock Solid Ministries since its inception in July 2004. During their time with RSM, Beth has spoken for women's groups on special occasions, during Sunday School, and at Family Camp. Tom has led 487 revival meetings, held two short-term interim ministries, served as featured speaker/teacher for State Conventions and Convention/Conference Workshops, Family Camps, Seminars, Preacher's Gatherings, The Enduring Light Preaching Camp, and at Mid-South Christian College. Tom also does supply preaching almost every Sunday that he and Beth are not on the "Revival Road".

Tom and Beth co-authored (along with the rest of the RSM Team) the "Growing Closer Daily" devotional book which may be downloaded for free from the iBooks bookstore or accessed by clicking the "Media" tab at the top of this page. Also check out “The RSM Podcast” hosted by brother Tom.